Saturday 4 June 2011

The very first day of the trip

The 28th of May was the day of departure from Singapore to Taipei scheduled from 12.20pm to 5.05pm. I was filled with anxiety as I clutched the handle of my luggage and headed for the check-in counters and  waved goodbye to my parents, and exchanged a few hugs and kisses. Many of my tour mates were already gathered together as we were given a last briefing before passing through the immigration counters. It was truly a memorable experience and was significant as we were now given the authority to venture and take greater responsibilities in time to come. By then it was already clear that I had to learn to take care of myself during the next eight days and treasure the experiences I was about to go through....
It was a long flight from Singapore to Taipei which took about a good 4 hours. It was already evening by the time we arrived. Before we knew it, our stomachs were growling and we immediately set off to a nearby buffet restaurant where we tucked in.
Halfway though the buffet a relatively large cake was brought into the restaurant and it was only then we realized it was Dwain's birthday! We celebrated with much energy and spirit before savoring the appetizing and lip-smaking fruit cake.    
After dinner, it was a long journey to Taichung where we checked into Plaza International Hotel.

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